The pronunciation of
the Portuguese of Portugal

List of notes

Note 1: Context symbols

Note 2: Phonemic and phonetic symbols

Note 3: Context and word boundaries

Note 5: Choice of phonemes and allophones

Note 6: Uvular and lingual "double" r

Note 7: Regular alternations of half-open and half-close (metafonia)

Note 8: Phonetics of /e/ and /E/

Note 9: Similarities between dissimilar sounds

Note 10: Semi-consonants and diphthongs

Note 11: Symbol 3 or 6 for open schwa?

Note 12: Amália Rodrigues and "Canção do mar"

Note 14: Closing influence of subsequent nasal consonants

Note 15: More on phoneme /1/

Note 16: Peculiarity

Note 17: Special meaning of êm when final, in verbal forms

Note 18: The name of the new European currency

Note 19: Allophones of /b/, /d/ and /g/

Note 20: Word-initial es

Note 21: Dulce Pontes and the Brazilian r

Note 22: Sotaque do norte

Note 23: How Brazilian pronunciation differs from that in Portugal

Note 24: History of exceptions