Note 21:

Dulce Pontes and the Brazilian r

Here Dulce Pontes, who is not from Brazil, uses the very un-Portuguese Brazilian final uvular r. (Elsewhere in the same song she uses the normal pronunciation again, although here it is hardly discernible). This is strange, because as far as I know nobody ever does this in Portugal. Perhaps this is some sort of pronunciational poetic liberty, where she is experimenting with alternative pronunciations. She also uses the Brazilian palatalised t before /i/ in "política", "somente" and "teto de zinco" in the song Velha Chica (track 8 of the same CD) in a pronunciation which otherwise clearly stems from Portugal, in a duet with Waldemar Bastos, who doesn't sound like being Brazilian, but rather Angolan, as the lyrics suggest. And he does pronounce "política" the Portuguese way, but in one case "diz" the Brazilian way.
I'm puzzled. Could somebody please explain this to me? Are they simply mixing some pronunciations from all over the world, in unauthentic ways, just to give it an exotic flavour?