Terra poderosa

The making of

The article Terra poderosa (“Powerful earth”) I wrote as a homework exercise for the online Portuguese lessons given to me by Cristina Vasconcelos.

The article links the 2010 BP oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico to the volcanic origin of the Azores (although the two are unrelated).

I wrote it all by myself in Portuguese and of course I made many errors, despite consulting several dictionaries and grammar books. Cristina said it was well written and there were only a few mistakes, but nevertheless talked (or you could also say: skyped) me through a lot of useful tips for improvements and corrections, which resulted in this new version.

Portuguese teacher

More info (including reviews by other students) about portuguese language teacher Cristina Vasconcelos can be found here:
Language School Teachers,
Linked In,

Many of her pupils write she's a very good teacher, and they are right!

More Portuguese articles that I wrote in this fashion:

Armazenamento de energia (Energy storage)

O género dos nomes terminados em -ão