(lingua=en, etc.)
Evaluating ChatGPT
(29 April 2023 and after)
Still hallucinatory
(1 en 2 May 2021)
Un discoperta fascinante
(Le 27 e 28 de maio 2020)
They finally fixed it
(5 april 2020)
Ancora burlesc, ma differente
(Le 18 de novembre 2019)
Voynich manuscript is scrambled Hebrew?
(25 June 2018)
I’m not mad, I’m a philosopher
(17 and 18 March 2018)
Io non es folle, io es un philosopho
(Le 17 e 18 de martio 2018)
Rijke neurale fantasie
(21 december 2017)
De verpleegster als geldbuidel
(16 december 2017)
Plus experimentos con DeepL
(le 5 de novembre 2017)
Un experimento con DeepL
(le 30 de octobre, e le 1, 4 e 5 de novembre 2017)